- Automation Anywhere (Have the licenses)
- UiPath (Have the expertise)
- Blue Prism (Developing expertise)
- AWS Cloud
- Azure Cloud
- Google Cloud
Software Product Engineering
Transform your ideas into market-ready software products from the ground up, keeping scalability, robustness, and customizability into account.
Software testing & QA services
- Choice of a managed QA Services or a Dedicated QA Team
- Automated Testing
- Security Testing
- Performance Testing
- BLE Beacons
- Arduino, Shields
- Raspberry Pi
- Microcontrollers or SoC – Uno, Nano, Mega, Mini, Micro, Yun, NodeMCU, PIC, Particle, RFDuino, AtmelAVR, Rabbit, Intel 8051
- Comms(Wireless/Hardwire) – Espressif Chips: ESP32 and ESP8266, Bluetooth HC-05, BLE Hm-10, GSM SIM900, SIM800, GPS, NMEA protocol, Infrared (IR) radiation, NRF24L01, Connection less iBeacon protocol. SPI, UART, I2C BUS, RS232. Over MQTT, HTTP, REST API – JSON, Web Sockets, Social Media API’s